
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Week 4-ish Cardboard Box Airplane - Phase I

I'm almost back on track!

My Nephew is currently obsessed with airplanes, so when I saw this, I knew I had to make him one. Growing up, my Mom made the most creative Halloween costumes for us out of whatever she could find around the house. She's so creative; we were always so excited about our costumes. I can't wait until Marshall is old enough for me to make him a costume. In the mean time, making my Nephew this airplane satisfied the itch.

Here's my version of the Cardboard Box Airplane:

My airplane is smaller than the inspiration plane because my nephew is younger and I wanted him to be able to climb in and out of it without a problem. My planned next step was to paper mache it to make it stronger, but my husband talked me out of it. It would be an awful lot of work for something I'm not certain my Nephew is even going to play with. I am still planning to paint it though :)

I took a few pictures along the way so that you could see my process. I didn't measure anything, I just eye-balled it. If you have questions, let me know - but I improvised a lot and just had fun with it.

2 Cardboard boxes
Kitchen scissors
Packing Tape

Assembled Airplane:

Stay tuned for the finished product! This little guy is going to be disappointed when his cousin gets to keep the airplane instead of him!


Here's the finished, painted airplane!

I used white spray paint to paint the whole thing white. I almost had it covered in 2 coats, but I had to go back a third time in a few spots. It probably would have worked in two if it weren't so windy the day I painted it. I used my Silhouette Cameo to create and cut some vinyls to decorate the plane. The birthday boy was pretty pleased with his new plane :)


  1. Very nice work! I am impressed and will try to replicate your handiwork for Halloween for my 3 1/2 year old that wants to be an airplane (because we really don't have a zillion costumes he could choose from!) and then I hope to use it for my 2 year olds "transportation" birthday party!

  2. Thanks for the inspiration! Gonna try to replicate yours too for halloween for my son!
