In Ghana in Feb 2010, doing Habitat for Humanity |
Me. Sara. I'm Mommy. I work at a desk and enjoy wearing a suit. I love playing softball and have missed it since being preggers. I love baseball. I'm an intermittent runner, but wish I could call myself a Runner. I love to travel - particularly to places that are vastly different than where I'm from. I've been known to try to be an artist, but don't particularly like to share my work. I'm not naturally blonde. I'm an introvert and inclined to remove posts that on second thought expose too much about myself. I'm a terrible blogger. I'm OCD; if you need your M&Ms sorted, I'm your gal.
3 months old, sporting his cute overalls |
8 months old, showing off his "trouble" face |
Marshall. Our little man was born in November of 2011. He's a happy little guy and we're lucky to have had him join our family. I love you, Buddy!
Sporting his kick-ass facial hair that won him the Man Week Beard Contest in 2010 |
Preston. My Hubby. Daddy. He will kill me if I post a picture... I'll probably do it anyway. His desk job just pays the bills; he's a musician at heart. He's the bass player for
Audiowild. He's an avid soccer player and mountain biker. He loves Pawn Stars and The Wire. His life goal is to knit a sweater from the lint he collects from his belly button. He made a deal with Baby M that he'd buy him a car when he's 16 if he only ever poops for Mommy. So far that deal is working.
At a Christmas Party Dec 2011 |